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Original price was: $149.00.Current price is: $119.00.

With today’s over-reliance on processed foods, we are simply UNABLE to gain the nutrients we need to be 100% healthy. Our bodies try to compensate for its deficiencies, but create even more unhealthy issues. Marine Phytoplankton brings the body into “homeostasis”, providing essential nutrients needed to return the body to its healthy state.

Our Phytoplankton will help enrich every cell with more oxygen, making it a known cancer deterrent because cancer cannot survive in an oxygenated environment.

GENESIS is comprised of nutrition’s basic building blocks creating a powerful combination of health enhancement and aging inhibitors.

Studies have shown that Resveratrol reduces oxidative stress, which prevents the premature aging of cells. Its powerful antioxidant & anti-inflammatory properties help protect against and prevent serious health conditions as we age, which is why it’s commonly referred to as “The Fountain Of Youth”

HealthyBlend USA uses a unique strain of Phytoplankton that is thoroughly enriched in Superoxide Dismutase (SOD).

All of our algae are grown in specially designed BioSecure zones, perfect for cultivating these powerful Superfoods.

Once harvested, to eliminate the risk of oxidation to its Carotenoids and fatty acids (which occurs in most other standard drying procedures) a process is used to instantly flash dry it. It’s then dehumidified, resulting in the purest, most nutritional-grade algae found anywhere!



Phytoplankton – The King of Super Nutrients!

Phytoplankton is a micro algae, single-celled organism that naturally grows in the ocean. It’s the foundation of life and food chain and is considered the most valuable source of nutrition on Earth and is made up of highly concentrated vitamins, antioxidants, trace minerals, enzymes, chlorophyll, all 10 essential amino acids and other nutrients known to be beneficial to your health. With the unique structure and size it embodies, marine phytoplankton are able to penetrate at a cellular level in the body, thereby providing fast nutritional support to to all types of different health issues.

NASA KNOWS – NASA calls Phytoplankton the most important plant on earth because it supplies about 90% of the Earth’s oxygen. The fact is, we would be here without it.


Marine Phytoplankton has a unique ability to strengthen cell membranes and induce new healthy cell regeneration. This is crucial to patients with chronic health issues.

With today’s over-reliance on processed foods, we are simply UNABLE to gain the nutrients we need to be 100% healthy. Our bodies try to compensate for its deficiencies, but create even more unhealthy issues. Marine Phytoplankton brings the body into “homeostasis”, providing essential nutrients needed to return the body to its healthy state.

Our Phytoplankton will help enrich every cell with more oxygen, making it a known cancer deterrent because cancer cannot survive in an oxygenated environment.

Phytoplankton has a direct impact on increasing energy, slowing the aging process, reducing bad LDL cholesterol and raising the good HDL cholesterol, supporting general mental alertness, combating Parkinson’s and general dementia and helping to stabilize blood sugar levels.

Because Marine Phytoplankton has the same oxygenating and detoxifying effect on our bodies, as it has been doing for life forms in our oceans for billions of years, researchers and scientists across the globe call it the future of medicine!


Spirulina is a natural blue-green algae Superfood! Rich in chlorophyll, Spirulina is incredibly high in protein, antioxidants, B Vitamins, all of the essential amino acids, iron, and is one of the most potent nutrient sources available. It is highly ideal for taking after surgery, during pregnancy, if you’re a vegan or anytime your immune system needs a boost!

Health Properties:

Spirulina is incredibly high in calcium with over 26x the calcium in milk. It’s 65% protein and amino acids, including the essential fatty acid GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid) getting raves for its anti-inflammatory properties. It’s one of the ONLY foods with a natural GLA content.

It can also increase fat burning during exercise, so get up and MOVE!


Like Spirulina, Chlorella is a fresh water algae with a vast number of benefits. With our special process it can be digested and absorbed in the body.

The single most important reason we included Chlorella

is for its ability to aid in digestion. It’s a huge source of chlorophyll, protein, iron, magnesium and amino acids, but is primarily known as a detoxifying agent. It is able to bind to unwanted chemicals and heavy metals in the body, effectively removng them.

Chlorella is often used by those undergoing Chemo and Radiation because it detoxifies the chemicals associated with it, also supporting the body’s liver, without stripping the important minerals.

Studies have shown that Resveratrol reduces oxidative stress, which prevents the premature aging of cells. Its powerful antioxidant & anti-inflammatory properties help protect against and prevent serious health conditions as we age, which is why it’s commonly referred to as “The Fountain Of Youth”

Resveratrol is found in berries, plants, peanuts, chocolate, but most potently in red & white grape skin. While the possibility of living longer, just by taking Resveratrol would make it worth taking all by itself, there are many more key effects that its use has on your body.

With more than 4,000 heart studies completed, it’s been concluded that magic seems to happen in 2 key areas. First, it protects the Endothelium, the delicate inner layer of your arteries, from oxidative free radical damage. Second, it helps keep blood vessels optimally dilated so that blood flows as it should.

Research has shown that Resveratrol has the ability to penetrate the center of a cell’s nucleus, allowing the DNA to repair free radical damage that might otherwise contribute to cancerous growth.

Resveratrol’s anti-inflammatory properties help prevent certain enzymes that trigger tumor development. It also helps cut down cell reproduction which helps reduce the number of cell divisions that could contribute to the progression of cancer cell growth.

Since the earth is made up of 71% water (97% ocean, 3% lakes and ponds) it was important to collect the 3 most powerful nutrients from each.

Phytoplankton is the king of ocean nutrients. Adding Spirulina and Chlorella is important because it adds extra protein and detoxification our bodies need daily.

Resveratrol added the most benefits for overall good health and well being. Studies recently done on Resveratrol and Phytoplankton interacting together were amazing, generating impressive health benefits.

HealthyBlend USA uses a unique strain of Phytoplankton that is thoroughly enriched in Superoxide Dismutase (SOD).

All of our algae are grown in specially designed BioSecure zones, perfect for cultivating these powerful Superfoods.

Once harvested, to eliminate the risk of oxidation to its Carotenoids and fatty acids (which occurs in most other standard drying procedures) a process is used to instantly flash dry it. It’s then dehumidified, resulting in the purest, most nutritional-grade algae found anywhere!


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