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Lean Bean


Lean Bean

Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $89.00.

The American diet can’t seem to get enough carbs. From pasta and breads to desserts and even vegetables, it’s hard to think of a meal without them. But when we eat carbs, our body digests it as sugar, goes straight into our bloodstream and is deposited as fat. And who wants to have more FAT?

Starchy carbs are broken down into smaller units known as dextrins. Dextrins are then broken down into glucose. Glucose serves a number of purposes: it’s either used for immediate energy requirements, stored in the muscle tissue as glycogen, or shuttled to the liver converting it into lipids and storing it as body fat.

Take two Lean Bean veggie caps before your biggest meal of the day and let it do its work!! The carbs you eat will turn to glycogen (not sugar) and pass naturally through your system.



We formulated Lean Bean to be the safest all-natural weight loss supplement on the market, with 1200 mg of pure, organic, white kidney bean extract proven to prevent the stomach from breaking down carbs into simple sugars, so calories aren’t absorbed into the body.


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